将 「活动」 组件的名称和 slug 更改为其他内容。

将 「活动」 组件的名称和 slug 更改为其他内容。

Codex Home → Developer Resources → User Submitted Guides → Change 「Activity」 component』s name and slug to something else.
Change 「Activity」 component』s name and slug to something else.

Want to change the default BuddyPress 「Activity」 (activity stream) to 「Dashboard」, or 「The Activity Center」, or anything other than 「Activity」?
Here is how:

Create wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php, and put the following:
?12345678910// change BP /activity/ slug to /dashboard/define( 'BP_ACTIVITY_SLUG', 'dashboard' ); // Change the name for the "Activity" tab to "Dashboard", // and reference the newly defined slug /dashboard/function bpcodex_rename_profile_tabs() {    // Change "Activity" to "Dashboard"    buddypress()->members->nav->edit_nav( array( 'name' => __( 'Dashboard', 'textdomain' ) ), 'dashboard' );}add_action( 'bp_actions', 'bpcodex_rename_profile_tabs' );

You may also want to change all labels associated by following these instructions: 「Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs「.


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