

Codex Home → Administrator Guide → Manage User Signups
Manage User Signups

There are times when prospective members cannot log in after trying to activate their accounts. BuddyPress has got you covered with a new administrative panel added to the Users screen. You can check the registrant』s status by either:

wp-admin menu Users > click on the Pending link, orwp-admin menu Users > Manage Signups which will bring you directly to the panel.

The Pending users panel lets you see a list of signups that have not yet been activated. Perform common tasks with pending signups:

manually activate accounts,resend activation emails, ordelete the account.

Related resource:

Alternative Registration Workflows

为多站点配置 BuddyPress

为多站点配置 BuddyPress

Codex Home → Getting Started → Configure BuddyPress for Multisite
Configure BuddyPress for Multisite

After activating BuddyPress, you will be automatically redirected to the BuddyPress Welcome Screen if this is the first time you』ve activated BuddyPress or if you』ve just upgraded BuddyPress. After taking some time to check out the new features added to the plugin, go to Network Admin menu > Settings > Components to begin configuring your installation.

Network Admin > Settings > Components panel
Network Admin > Settings > Pages panel
Network Admin > Settings > Options panel

Network Admin > Settings > Components
By default, BuddyPress Core and the Members components are enabled (Must-Use). Extended Profiles, Account Settings, Activity Streams, Notifications, and Site Tracking components are activated for you.
You can however, selectively disable/enable any of the components later if you so choose by using the same form. Your BuddyPress installation will continue to function. However, the features of the disabled components will no longer be accessible to anyone using the site.

Available Components
Each component has a unique purpose, and your community may not need each one.

Extended Profiles
Customize your community with fully editable profile fields that allow your users to describe themselves.
Account Settings
Allow your users to modify their account and notification settings directly from within their profiles.
Friend Connections
Let your users make connections so they can track the activity of others and focus on the people they care about the most.
Private Messaging
Allow your users to talk to each other directly and in private. Not just limited to one-on-one discussions, messages can be sent between any number of members.
Activity Streams
Global, personal, and group activity streams with threaded commenting, direct posting, favoriting and @mentions, all with full RSS feed and email notification support.
User Groups
Groups allow your users to organize themselves into specific public, private or hidden sections with separate activity streams and member listings.
Site Tracking
Record activity for new posts and comments from a single site in your network or from all sites in your network depending on how you configured BuddyPress for your multisite installation. (「Multisite/Network」 is a feature of WordPress which needs to be manually enabled and configured first. Instructions for enabling this can be found at the WordPress codex WP Codex – Create A Network)

Required Components
The following components are required by BuddyPress and cannot be turned off.

BuddyPress Core: It『s what makes [time travel] BuddyPress possible!
Community Members: Everything in a BuddyPress community revolves around its members.

Network Admin > Settings > Pages
BuddyPress components are rendered as WordPress Pages. Make sure that activated components have corresponding pages assigned to each in this panel.

Associate a WordPress Page with each BuddyPress component directory.

Activity Streams
User Groups (if activated)
Site Tracking (Blogs for Multisite)

Associate WordPress Pages with the following BuddyPress Registration pages if you want to enable registration.


Network Admin > Settings > Options

Main Settings

Toolbar: Show the Toolbar for logged out users (default: enabled)
Account Deletion: Allow registered members to delete their own accounts (default: enabled)

Profile Settings

Profile Photo Uploads: Allow registered members to upload avatars (default: enabled)
Cover Image Uploads: Allow registered members to upload cover images (default: enabled)
Profile Syncing: Enable BuddyPress to WordPress profile syncing (default: enabled)

Groups Settings

Group Creation: Enable group creation for all users (default: enabled)
Administrators can always create groups, regardless of this setting.
Group Photo Uploads: Allow customizable avatars for groups (default: enabled)
Group Cover Image Uploads: Allow customizable cover images for groups (default: enabled)

Activity Settings

Blog & Forum Comments: Allow activity stream commenting on blog and forum posts (default: disabled)
Activity Auto Refresh: Automatically check for new items by viewing the activity stream (default: enabled)



Codex Home → BuddyPress Plugin Development → Add custom filters to loops and enjoy them within your plugin
Add custom filters to loops and enjoy them within your plugin

BuddyPress uses loops to display the content of its components. In this article you will focus on how to 「rearrange」 the content displayed in four of its major components : Members, Groups, Blogs and finally Activity. You will achieve this thanks to the type or action argument of the init functions of each of these loops :

Init functions

bp_has_members( array( $arguments ) )

bp_has_groups( array( $arguments ) )

bp_has_blogs( array( $arguments ) )

bp_has_activities( array( $arguments ) )

To let members of a BuddyPress powered community change the way items of loops are displayed, BuddyPress uses select boxes that includes the different types to reorder the members, groups or blogs and filter the activity stream to only keep the desired action (or activity type). These select boxes are generally available from the directory page of the component, and in the specific case of the activity component : in single group and member home page.
In the following tutorial, you will first extend the available filters of the Members, Groups and Blogs loops, then you will remember how to add custom actions (or activity types) to the Activity component for your plugin, finally you will build a great feature thanks to a very interesting Activity Meta Query.
Here』s your roadmap

Add a custom filter to the Members, Groups and Blogs loops
Extend the activity types to register your plugin ones
Build a new great feature thanks to the 『favorite an activity』 functionality
Additional resources

In additional resources, you will find an example of plugin that includes all the codes that this tutorial contains. If you wish, you can activate the plugin in a local dev environment to follow the different steps of this article.
Add a custom filter to the Members, Groups and Blogs loops
To illustrate the process, you are going to use a built in filter type that is not activated by default in loops : the 「random」 order one. This screenshot shows the result of your first lines of code for the Members component.
The random filter in Members directory
If you dive into BuddyPress /bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress folder, you will find 3 templates that are used to display the directory pages for the 3 components you』re dealing with in this first step:


do_action( 'bp_members_directory_order_options' );

do_action( 'bp_groups_directory_order_options' );

do_action( 'bp_blogs_directory_order_options' );

So all you need to do in order to set the 「random」 filter is to add an action to these three hooks. Let』s init your plugin』s class and write the lines that will render the above screenshot』s result.
?1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465setup_actions();    }     /**     * Actions     *     * @uses bp_is_active()     * @uses is_multisite()     */    private function setup_actions() {        /**         * Adds the random order to the select boxes of the Members, Groups and Blogs directory pages         */        // Members component is core, so it will be available        add_action( 'bp_members_directory_order_options', array( $this, 'random_order' ) );         // You need to check Groups component is available        if( bp_is_active( 'groups' ) )            add_action( 'bp_groups_directory_order_options',  array( $this, 'random_order' ) );         // You need to check WordPress config and that Blogs Component is available        if( is_multisite() && bp_is_active( 'blogs' ) )            add_action( 'bp_blogs_directory_order_options',   array( $this, 'random_order' ) );    }     /**     * Displays a new option in the Members/Groups & Blogs directories     *     * @return string html output     */    public function random_order() {        ?>                prefix}bp_activity MySQL table */        'bp_plugin',        /* your component's activity type :        - same value as the "type" field you will use in the {$wpdb->prefix}bp_activity MySQL table        - it will be used in the value attribute of the plugin option in the activity selectbox        */        'bpplugin_action',        /* your component's caption :        - it will be displayed to the user in the activity selectbox        */        __( 'BP Plugin Action' )    );}
Once you』ve added these lines, when opening the Activity Administration screen, you will find your plugin』s filter inside the available choices of the select box as shown in the following screen capture.
BP Plugin Action filter in Activity Administration screen
Back to front end! You can take a new swim into the BuddyPress /bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress folder to find the key actions to hook to in order to add your custom activity type(s).


do_action( 'bp_activity_filter_options' );

do_action( 'bp_member_activity_filter_options' );

do_action( 'bp_group_activity_filter_options' );

Before rushing into the process of using these hooks, you are going to build a transition function to get the list of activity types you』ve created. As you have only one activity type so far, you may think it』s not necessary but i personaly consider it as a good way to not forget the Administration screens of the Activity component. Moreover, you will soon add a new activity type for the final step. You need to edit your plugin』s class by adding a new function to list the activity actions.
?1234567891011121314151617181920212223/** * Building an array to loop in from the display function * * Using bp_activity_get_types() will list all registered activity actions * but you need to get the ones for your plugin, and this particular function * directly returns an array of key => value. As you need to filter activity * with your component id, the global buddypress()->activity->actions will be * more helpful. * * @uses buddypress() * @return array the list of your plugin actions. */private function list_actions() {     $bp_activity_actions = buddypress()->activity->actions;     $bp_plugin_actions = array();     if( !empty( $bp_activity_actions->bp_plugin ) )        $bp_plugin_actions = array_values( (array) $bp_activity_actions->bp_plugin );     return $bp_plugin_actions;}
Now you can use the 3 hooks previously identified by adding some code into the setup_actions() function of your plugin』s class, just after the code that hooks 'bp_register_activity_actions'.
?12345678// Adds a new filter into the select boxes of the Activity directory page,// of group and member single items activity screensadd_action( 'bp_activity_filter_options',        array( $this, 'display_activity_actions' ) );add_action( 'bp_member_activity_filter_options', array( $this, 'display_activity_actions' ) ); // You need to check Groups component is availableif( bp_is_active( 'groups' ) )    add_action( 'bp_group_activity_filter_options', array( $this, 'display_activity_actions' ) );
You will also need to create the function display_activity_actions() to build the different new options that will populate the select boxes. This function will use the transition function to get the activity types of your plugin.
?123456789101112131415161718/*** Displays new actions into the Activity select boxes* to filter activities* - Activity Directory* - Single Group and Member activity screens** @return string html output*/public function display_activity_actions() {    $bp_plugin_actions = $this->list_actions();     if( empty( $bp_plugin_actions ) )        return;     foreach( $bp_plugin_actions as $type ):?>        <option value="">    <?php endforeach;}
Now you can check the result of your work by displaying the Activity Directory, a member』s home page and a group』s home page. Here』s a screenshot for the Activity Directory.
BP Plugin action filter in Activity Directory
As you can see, the new option is available, and you can filter the activities to only get the activities that will be generated by your plugin. You only need to build the functions that will actually write new activities as explained in the codex article 『Posting Activity from Plugins』.
Build a new great feature thanks to the favorite an activity functionality
In BuddyPress, there』s a feature to let members favorite some activities so that they can easily find the activities they are really interested in from the 「My Favorites」 tab of the Activity directory or from the one of their profile home page. And reading the above lines gave you a great idea! You think the community would really appreciate to quickly see what are the most favorited activities by all members. In a way and thanks to this new feature, members would be able to easily know what are the ones they should absolutely read. And you will see that displaying these most favorite activities in the different screens will have different new powerful meanings.
First, let』s extend the register_activity_actions() function of your class to add a new very particular activity type. It actually won』t behave like a regular one. Its goal won』t be to display a particular type of activities as any type can be favorited. Using this new filter will perform two other things : only the favorited activities will be displayed and this display will be ordered regarding the number of times an activity has been favorited. So for this reason, you will not make this filter available from the Administration screen of Activities.
?12345/* Activity Administration screen does not use bp_ajax_querystringMoreover This action type is reordering instead of filtering so you will onlyuse it on front end */if( !is_admin() )    bp_activity_set_action( 'bp_plugin', 'activity_mostfavs', __( 'Most Favorited' ) );
That』s all we have to do to add this new type to the select boxes as your function list_actions() will automatically returns it to the function display_activity_actions(). You now need to handle this new filter type by intercepting it when the init function of the Activity loop will be run. If you open the template /bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/groups/single/activity-loop.php, you』ll notice that the loop is using a function as an argument of this init function :

bp_ajax_querystring() plays a key role in the way that BuddyPress gets user inputs in order to render the appropriate display of the Activity loop. Just before returning these inputs, the function offers a filter so that you can get them and eventually edit them. You are going to use this filter, but not too early to let BuddyPress actually build the loop arguments, so you will choose a priority greater than 10, let』s say 12. You need to edit the constructor of your class so that it includes a new call to the function that will contain all your filters. This is the new constructor of your plugin :
?123456789101112class BP_Loop_Filters {     /**     * Constructor     */    public function __construct() {        $this->setup_actions();        // simply add the following line to your constructor        $this->setup_filters();    } }
Once the constructor edited, you will create the setup_filters() function and begin it by adding the 'bp_ajax_querystring' filter at a priority of 12. You also need to inform WordPress that your function is expecting to receive the two arguments available for this filter : the querystring and the object it relates to. That』s why there is the number 2 after the priority argument.
?123456/** * Filters */private function setup_filters() {    add_filter( 'bp_ajax_querystring', array( $this, 'activity_querystring_filter' ), 12, 2 );}
The filter is in place, it』s now time you take care of building the function that will make eveything possible for your need. This is activity_querystring_filter() :
?123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748/** * Builds an Activity Meta Query to retrieve the favorited activities * * @param  string $query_string the front end arguments for the Activity loop * @param  string $object       the Component object * @uses   wp_parse_args() * @uses   bp_displayed_user_id() * @return array()|string $query_string new arguments or same if not needed */public function activity_querystring_filter( $query_string = '', $object = '' ) {    if( $object != 'activity' )        return $query_string;     // You can easily manipulate the query string    // by transforming it into an array and merging    // arguments with these default ones    $args = wp_parse_args( $query_string, array(        'action'  => false,        'type'    => false,        'user_id' => false,        'page'    => 1    ) );     /* most favorited */    if( $args['action'] == 'activity_mostfavs' ) {        unset( $args['action'], $args['type'] );         // on user's profile, shows the most favorited activities for displayed user        if( bp_is_user() )            $args['user_id'] = bp_displayed_user_id();         // An activity meta query 🙂        $args['meta_query'] = array(            array(                /* this is the meta_key you want to filter on */                'key'     => 'favorite_count',                /* You need to get all values that are >= to 1 */                'value'   => 1,                'type'    => 'numeric',                'compare' => '>='            ),        );         $query_string = empty( $args ) ? $query_string : $args;    }     return apply_filters( 'bp_plugin_activity_querystring_filter', $query_string, $object );}
Let』s take a minute to understand what happens in it. The 2 arguments are waiting for the filter values and default to an empty string. Then, the very first thing to do is to make sure the activity loop is about to be run as BuddyPress also uses this function for the Members, Groups, legacy user group forums, Blogs and private messages. In other words, if 'activity' is not the value of the object argument, then just return the current query string without editing it.
The query string you will receive is actually a query string! so the arguments will look like 'arg1=1&arg2=2'. I advise you to use the function wp_parse_args() to quicky get an array of arguments : that will be a lot more easy to manipulate. Now you can check the action or type argument (which are carrying the same values) to see if it matches your most favorited activity type. If so, you can unset this values to include all types of activities.
If you are in a user』s profile, let』s only keep the activities for the user displayed to be consistent as the most favorited activity type will also be available in the select box of member』s home page. And, this is my favorite part, you will build an Activity Meta Query to include all the activities that have a meta value over 1 for the meta key 'favorite_count'.
If you want to know more about Meta Queries, you』ll find in additional resources a link to the article dealing with Group Meta Queries and a link to the WordPress codex on the WP_Meta_Query class. Finally you simply need to replace the value of the query string with your $args array.
So far, you are getting the favorited activities by all users when the Most Favorited filter is selected by the member, you need to bring the final touch, the one that often makes the difference for your plugin. You need to edit the order of the loop so that it will display the favorited activities from the more favorited one to the less favorited one. To achieve that step, you will need to put your ninja warrior suit on! Let』s add a new filter into the setup_filters() function of your class.
This is your new setup_filters() function :
?1234567/** * Filters */private function setup_filters() {    add_filter( 'bp_ajax_querystring',              array( $this, 'activity_querystring_filter' ), 12, 2 );    add_filter( 'bp_activity_get_user_join_filter', array( $this, 'order_by_most_favorited' ),     10, 6 );}
This filter will get the query that is sent to the Activity loop to first edit the field it』s ordered by. Then as the bp_activity_meta table will be joined in the query thanks to your Activity Meta Query. Let』s enjoy it to the max, by also adding a new field that will alias the meta value field for the favorite_count meta key. Doing so the global $activities_template will include this value and it will be very easy to get it for each entry of the loop. The function order_by_most_favorited() will get the 6 arguments available for the 'bp_activity_get_user_join_filter' filter. The most important is the first one as it』s the sql query. Others are part of this query to help you edit the main query.
?123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536/** * Ninja Warrior trick to reorder the Activity Loop * regarding the activities favorite count * * @param  string $sql        the sql query that will be run * @param  string $select_sql the select part of the query * @param  string $from_sql   the from part of the query * @param  string $where_sql  the where part of the query * @param  string $sort       the sort order (leaving it to DESC will be helpful!) * @param  string $pag_sql    the offset part of the query * @return string $sql        the current or edited query */public function order_by_most_favorited( $sql = '', $select_sql = '', $from_sql = '', $where_sql = '', $sort = '', $pag_sql = '' ) {        preg_match( '/'favorite_count' AND CAST((.*) AS/', $where_sql, $match );         if( !empty( $match[1] ) ) {                $new_order_by = 'ORDER BY '. $match[1] .' + 0';            $new_select_sql = $select_sql . ', '. $match[1] .' AS favorite_count';             $sql = str_replace(                array( $select_sql, 'ORDER BY a.date_recorded' ),                array( $new_select_sql, $new_order_by ),                $sql            );             /**             * To help you build the pattern to search for             * you can use the var_dump function to see the             * query that will be performed             * var_dump( $sql );             */         }         return $sql;}
As you can see, you need to get the table name that the Activity Meta Query will build to use it to define you new ORDER BY clause and to include your favorite_count alias field into the SELECT clause.
The very last step is to finally display the favorite count into the entry template of the Activity component. If you explore the BuddyPress /bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress folder, in the activity/entry.php template, you will find the 'bp_activity_entry_meta' hook which can be a nice place to add your mention about the number of times the activity has been favorited. So to insert this mention, you simply need to edit your plugin』s setup_actions() function to add an action to this hook and build the function that will be run.
?1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132private function setup_actions() {    /**     * previous steps code     */    if( bp_is_active( 'activity' ) ) {         /**         * previous steps code         */         // You're going to output the favorite count after action buttons        add_action( 'bp_activity_entry_meta', array( $this, 'display_favorite_count' ) );    } } /** * Displays a mention to inform about the number of times the activity * was favorited. * * @global BP_Activity_Template $activities_template * @return string html output */public function display_favorite_count() {    global $activities_template;     $fav_count = !empty( $activities_template->activity->favorite_count ) ? $activities_template->activity->favorite_count : 0;     if( !empty( $fav_count ) ):?>        <a name="favorite-">    <?php endif;}
If you observe the result of a 「Most favorited」 filter into the main Activity Directory, you will see that only the favorited activities are displayed ordered by the number of times they had been favorited.
Most Favorited in Activity directory
If you do the same on the user』s profile home page, the filter will inform on his activities : the ones that has been favorited by him or other users. So it can be interested for a user to see the interest of his activities for the community.
Most favorited in member』s home page
If you display this filter into a group home page, it will list the group activities that were favorited by its own members in case of a non public group and potentially all community members for a public group.
Most favorited in a group home page

Additional resources

All the codes of this tutorial packaged in a plugin
The Members Loop in BuddyPress Codex
The Groups Loop in BuddyPress Codex
The Blogs Loop in BuddyPress Codex
The Activity Loop in BuddyPress Codex
WP_Meta_Query in WordPress codex
Group Meta Queries: Usage Example in BuddyPress Codex
Posting Activity from Plugins in BuddyPress Codex
bp_ajax_querystring in BuddyPress codex

在符号链接 (symlinks) 环境中安装 BuddyPress

在符号链接 (symlinks) 环境中安装 BuddyPress

Codex Home → Getting Started → Frequently Asked Questions → Installing BuddyPress in a symlinked environment
Installing BuddyPress in a symlinked environment

If you use symbolic links (symlinks) for your WordPress plugin environment, you may need to do some additional configuration to ensure that BuddyPress assets are loaded correctly.
If you find that CSS and Javascript assets are not being loaded correctly (the tags are in the page source, but the paths are incorrect), try putting the following configuration settings into your wp-config.php file:

define( 'BP_PLUGIN_DIR', '/path/to/buddypress/' );
define( 'BP_PLUGIN_URL', 'http://example.com/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/' );

Replace /path/to/buddypress/ with your system path to the buddypress plugin directory (eg /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/). Replace http://example.com/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/ with the actual URL to your BuddyPress plugin directory.



Codex Home → Developer Resources → Add Meta Box to Admin Extended User Profile
Add Meta Box to Admin Extended User Profile

BuddyPress 2.0 allows admins to edit user profile fields from the Dashboard>>Users>>Edit User page. This extended profile page offers the ability to add your own settings for a user. This page gives a simple example of how to add the meta boxes to the extended profile page. What you add to the meta box can be a myriad of options. NOTE: any meta boxes you add are only editable by an admin. The info does not show on the front end user profile. You can put this example code in your bp-custom.php file.

This function adds our meta box to the the user extended profile page in the admin.
function bp_user_meta_box() {

__( 'Metabox Title', 'buddypress' ),
'bp_user_inner_meta_box', // function that displays the contents of the meta box
add_action( 'bp_members_admin_user_metaboxes', 'bp_user_meta_box' );

This function outputs the content of the meta box. The skies the limit here. You can add almost any information to want. You could have a meta box that you enter notes about that user or show information from another plugin.
function bp_user_inner_meta_box() {

This is where you write your form inputs for user settings. Or you can output information pertaining to this user. For example, the Achievements plugin could show the users badges here.


This function saves any form inputs you might include in the meta box.
function bp_user_save_metabox() {

if( isset( $_POST['save'] ) ) {

$user_id = isset( $_GET['user_id'] ) ? $_GET['user_id'] : 0;

// you will need to use a $_POST param and validate before saving
$meta_val = isset( $_POST['form_value'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['form_value'] ) : '';

// the $meta_val would be a $_POST param from inner meta box form
update_user_meta( $user_id, 'user_meta_key', $meta_val );
add_action( 'bp_members_admin_update_user', 'bp_user_save_metabox' );



Codex Home → Administrator Guide → Moderate Activity Streams
Moderate Activity Streams

BuddyPress provides admin dashboard panels to help you manage all the different activities throughout the site, similar to the way you manage comments and other content. This screen is customizable in the same ways as other management screens, and you can act on activities using the on-hover action links or the Bulk Actions.
There are many different types of activities. Some are generated automatically by BuddyPress and other plugins, and some are entered directly by a user in the form of status update. To help manage the different activity types, use the filter dropdown box to switch between them.
In the Activity column: above each activity it says 「Submitted on,」 followed by the date and time the activity item was generated on your site. Clicking on the date/time link will take you to that activity on your live site. Hovering over any activity gives you options to reply, edit, spam mark, or delete that activity.
In the In Response To column: if the activity was in reply to another activity, it shows that activity』s author』s picture and name, and a link to that activity on your live site. If there is a small bubble, the number in it shows how many other activities are related to this one; these are usually comments. Clicking the bubble will filter the activity screen to show only related activity items.
Activity Management Screen. Click on image to enlarge.
General type

Search All Activity form
Bulk Actions (Apply)
Mark As Spam
Not Spam
Delete Permanently

Show All Activity Types (Filter)
Created a group
Friendships accepted
Joined a group
Member changed profile pPicture
New friendships
New group forum post
New group forum topic
New member registered
New post comment posted
New post published
New site created (multisite only)
Posted a status update
Replied to a status update

List of Sitewide Activities
Columns Activity Management Screen: Multisite-Network. Click on image to enlarge.
Author: Username and Avatar
Activity: Date and Excerpt of Activity
Delete Permanently

In Response To

View Activity link only (for original posts)
For replies to original posts:
Original Poster』s Avatar
Original Poster』s Username
View Activity link (of original post)
Comment bubble link with number of related activities to that original post ID => goes to a new Activity Management Screen panel: 「Activity related to ID #__」 with a list of all the activities related to the original post

⇒ Related: Activity Streams – Front End

BP PHPDoc 内联文档

BP PHPDoc 内联文档

Codex Home → Developer Resources → BP PHPDoc Inline Documentation
BP PHPDoc Inline Documentation

BuddyPress strives for the most complete internal documentation possible. When contributing patches to BuddyPress, you are highly encouraged to document your code using our standards. We also welcome patches that provide new documentation, or correct/amend existing documentation.

BuddyPress』s documentation is based on WordPress』s PHP Documentation Standards. Familiarize yourself with that document before continuing with this guide.
There are a number of ways in which BuddyPress』s standards differ from WordPress』s. They are listed below. For any aspect of inline PHP documentation not specifically discussed here, you can assume that we are doing things the WordPress way.

BuddyPress-specific standards

Short description For consistency, short descriptions should be written as imperatives: 「Fetch a piece of metadata about a group」 rather than 「Fetches a piece of metadata….」



Codex Home → Developer Resources → Function Examples → bp_notifications_add_notification

bp_notifications_add_notification() is used to insert new notifications into the database table $wpdb->bp_notifications.
Notifications were refactored to be a separate component for BP 1.9
$notification_id = bp_notifications_add_notification( $args );
@return int|bool ID of the newly created notification on success, false on failure.
Default args
'user_id' => 0,
'item_id' => 0,
'secondary_item_id' => 0,
'component_name' => '',
'component_action' => '',
'date_notified' => bp_core_current_time(),
'is_new' => 1, );

An array that describes the notification item that you』re creating. Possible values:

(optional) ID of the user to associate the notification with.
(optional) ID of the item to associate the notification with.
(optional) ID of the secondary item to associate the notification with.
(optional) Name of the component to associate the notification with.
(optional) Name of the action to associate the notification with.
(optional) Timestamp for the notification.
(optional) Whether the notification is new. This will be set to 0 once the notification is viewed by the recipient.

This is taken from buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-notifications.php and shows how the parameters can be used.
function bp_activity_at_mention_add_notification( $activity, $subject, $message, $content, $receiver_user_id ) {
if ( bp_is_active( 'notifications' ) ) {
bp_notifications_add_notification( array(
'user_id' => $receiver_user_id,
'item_id' => $activity->id,
'secondary_item_id' => $activity->user_id,
'component_name' => buddypress()->activity->id,
'component_action' => 'new_at_mention',
'date_notified' => bp_core_current_time(),
'is_new' => 1,
) );
add_action( 'bp_activity_sent_mention_email', 'bp_activity_at_mention_add_notification', 10, 5 );

Source File
bp_notifications_add_notification() is located in bp-notifications/bp-notifications-functions.php