Codex Home → Getting Started → Troubleshooting → Blank Pages
Blank Pages
In some server environments, installation of BuddyPress can lead to blank pages. A great source for troubleshooting this problem is the error logs.
Memory Limit
Increasing the available memory may fix the blank page problem. Three methods are available for increasing the memory limit.
If possible, increase the memory limit within the php.ini file.
If possible, increase the memory limit in the wp-config.php file by adding define (‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);.
If possible, add the following to the .htaccess file: php_value memory_limit 256M
talk to your host
If you cannot resolve increasing memory with the fixes above, it means that your hosting provider prevents increases in memory limits. Contact tech support right away. Some hosting providers might require you to upgrade your plan or pay extra.
Clear your browser cache or try another browser
After increasing memory, be sure to clear your browser cache. Also, troubleshoot multiple browsers and multiple user roles (subscriber, author, admin, etc.)
Database Tables
Other things stopping the DB tables being run is some sort of warning or error with PHP – often either a memory limit, CPU limitation, a problem with the web server itself, bad code or corrupt file.
1) Memory limit problem often reveals itself with “failed to allocate” in the apache/php error logs.
2) People have had mixed success running WPMU/BP on virtual hosted servers; I suppose it depends on the company you are using. If such an outside influence stopped activity *part way* through the BuddyPress installation, then you’d end up with a corrupt install. As a rule of thumb, avoid virtual hosted servers for WPMU/BP.
3) I’m a *unix man as far as web servers go, so I can’t talk for Windows. If you see “segfault” errors in WPMU/BP for Apache (or similar), you’ve probably got a library or versioning conflict — i.e. incompatibility between specific versions of PHP and MySQL, for example. These are really tricky to figure out what’s causing the problem, but if you’ve recently installed a new version of your web server/mysql/php etc, this could be why.
4) Bad code or corrupt file – how is everyone in this thread installing BuddyPress? Via the automatic plugin installer? If so, try to FTP files up to your server – or better yet, SSH and use a shell to install the files yourself.
Testing servers built with XAMP or MAMP should use the latest versions.