

Codex Home → Legacy Docs → Archived Section: Getting Started → FAQ

Archived file. Good only up to BP 1.5 version

Where can I track BuddyPress development?

Ask a question on the forums
Report bugs and view patches on the BuddyPress Trac server
Join the #buddypress-dev IRC room on Freenode.
Check out the BuddyPress Development Updates blog and the official BuddyPress blog
Follow development updates on Twitter – @buddypressdev
Join the Public Mailing List

What version of WordPress should I run?
WordPress 3.4+. Though it’s advised to run the latest stable version of WordPress to ensure you’re site is fully secure.
Is BuddyPress a forum script?
BuddyPress is a social networking plugin for WordPress. It is not a forum script. A stripped-down forum used to be provided for BP groups using bbPress however when bbPress was re-written to be a standalone plugin it was decided to remove the inbuilt groups forums in versions of BP from 1.7 onwards as bbPress supports them but also gives a far richer forum experience. BuddyPress Groups component. However, if you are looking for a traditional forum (setting up forum categories, forum administration, etc.), you can try the bbPress forum plugin.
Can I run BuddyPress on a Windows server?
Where do I report bugs?
Head to: https://trac.buddypress.org/newticket please sign in with your WordPress.org username and password (sign up here)
Can BuddyPress authenticate via LDAP?
Yes. You will need to install a WordPress LDAP login plugin first of all though, then add define( ‘BP_ENABLE_USERNAME_COMPATIBILITY_MODE’, true ); to your wp-config.php file.
Can I run multiple instances of BuddyPress in a WP Multisite installation?
No. BuddyPress can only be activated once in either the main site or a secondary blog of a WP Multisite installation.  For WP multi-networks, try the approach listed in this post.
I don’t see the register button on my BuddyPress site!
Login to the WP admin area, navigate to “Settings > General”, and make sure “Anyone can register” is checked.
If you’re using WordPress in network mode, login to the WP admin area, navigate to “Super Admin > Options”, and under “Allow new registrations”, select any option but “Disabled”.
BuddyPress isn’t sending out emails (eg. activation emails, email notifications)
This appears to be a problem with certain web hosts (Bluehost primarily).
Members of the BP community have had success using:

Mail From Plugin
WP Mail SMTP Plugin
Configure SMTP Plugin

WP Mail SMTP and Configure SMTP can send a test email which often provides useful debug information. Check also with your webhost’s tech support for more information.
Activity Stream
BP 1.2 Default Theme – Set the Activity Stream as front page, blog posts on another page
1) Login to the WP backend, navigate to “Pages > Add New”. Create an empty, new page called “News” or “Blog” or whatever you want. This page will contain the blog updates.
2) Under “Settings > Reading”, set front page to “Activity Stream” and your posts page to the new page that you just created.
How do I disable activity stream comments for blog and forum posts?
1) Login to the WP backend, navigate to “Buddypress > General settings”.
2) Under “Disable activity stream commenting on blog and forum posts?” Select “Yes”.
Extending BuddyPress
Is there a compatible Facebook Connect plugin for BuddyPress?
Yes there is. Try WP-FB-AutoConnect.
Make sure under WP-FB-AutoConnect’s settings, to uncheck “Disable BuddyPress Filters”.
Why can’t I upload avatars on my server?
This could be a number of things, but make sure you have the GD image library installed.   It might also be permissions, so make sure the web server has correct permissions.