

Codex Home → Developer Resources → Loops Reference → Forum Topics Loop
Forum Topics Loop

The forum topics loop can be used to output a list of forum topics.
Standard Loop

<tr class="">

<a class="topic-title" href="" title=" - ">

<a href="">

<a href="">

<a href="" title="">

Accepted Parameters
The bp_has_forum_topics() function will accept a number of parameters that will manipulate the data being returned.

type optional
List forum topics by type.

Accepted arguments: newest,popular,unreplied,tags (if type equals 「tags」, define the 「search_terms」 argument and list the tag you wish to filter by)
Default value: newest

forum_id optional
Return only forum topics from a specific group forum.

Default value: false

user_id optional
Return only forum topics that this user has started.

Default value: false

per_page optional
Number of forum topics to display in the loop.

Default value: 20

page optional
The page to display.

Default value: 1

max optional
The total number of forum topics to return.

Default value: false (no limit)

no_stickies optional
Return 「false」 if you do not want stickies listed at the top of the forum loop.

Default value: all

search_terms optional
Return only groups that match these search terms. When used in conjuction with 「type=tags」, can use search_terms to define the tag name.

Default value: false

Modifying the forum loop to list forum topics by most popular:


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