模板包演练 – Twenty Ten

模板包演练 – Twenty Ten

Codex Home → Legacy Docs → Archived Section: Theme Development → Themes & the BuddyPress Template Pack → Template Pack Walkthrough – Twenty Ten
Template Pack Walkthrough – Twenty Ten

Archived file. Good only up to BP 1.6.5 version


There are two ways to implement Step Three of the compatibility process:
– First Method: Superimposing the HTML structure of your WordPress theme onto 16 BP template files which were transferred into your WP theme folder during the compatibility process or
– Second Method: Creating the following files in your WordPress theme – header-buddypress.php, sidebar-buddypress.php and/or footer-buddypress.php
We』ll use the second method to make Twenty Ten compatible with BuddyPress. By the end of this article, you should have the basic child theme files required to make Twenty Ten compatible with BP 1.5 using the BP Template Pack plugin:



Prelude: Create a Twenty Ten Child Theme
( If you already have your own Twenty Ten Child theme, skip this section and proceed to the Compatibility Process )
1. Create a new theme folder for your Twenty Ten child theme. For this example, the child theme is called BP Twenty Ten so we』ll name our theme folder bp-twentyten.
2. Create a style.css file and add it in the bp-twentyten folder with content below:
Theme Name: BP Twenty Ten
Theme URI: https://codex.buddypress.org/
Description: Twenty Ten child theme for BuddyPress 1.5 Compatibility Process
Version: 1.0
Author: mercime
Author URI: https://codex.buddypress.org/
Template: twentyten
Tags: buddypress, two-column
@import url( ../twentyten/style.css );
3. Upload the bp-twentyten folder with the style.css file within to your server to /wp-content/themes/
N.B. We』ll be creating and uploading more files later during the compatibility process. For now, these are the basic files required for the child theme to be activated so that we can proceed with the BP compatibility process.
Compatibility Process
1. After activating BuddyPress, go to dashboard Appearance > Themes and activate our child theme 「BP Twenty Ten」. At the top of the Themes panel, you』ll see a message with 3 different options to make your theme compatible with BuddyPress. Select update your existing WordPress theme

2. Clicking on the above link will bring you to the 「Install Plugins」 panel. Click on 「Install」 link under BuddyPress Template Pack plugin.

3. Click OK to install BuddyPress Template Pack plugin.

4. Activate BuddyPress Template Pack plugin.

5. Go to Appearance > BP Compatibility

6. Step One: Moving template files automatically. Click on Move Template Files

7. Templates moved successfully! Click on Continue to Step Three You only need to go through Step Two if there was a problem transferring the files.

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